Friday, January 9, 2009

Storing & Using old Grocery bags...

As lots of you probably do, I reuse my grocery bags as trash bags in my bathrooms and in the small can under my kitchen sink. I always leave a few in the bottom of the trashcans to make for easy changing too.

I know, I know... I should use the re-usable canvas bags already! But, I've been patiently waiting for a store to give some away with a promotion. After all, wherever I buy them, I will be advertising for them... shouldn't they give them to me if I'm a valued customer? We'll see if that happens. In the meantime I may have to buck up and buy a few to keep the incoming bag supply down.

Other uses...
I take extras along when we travel or go camping, you never know when you'll need an extra bag.

We often have a self-serve roadside vegetable stand with our excess veggies and people often take more when there are bags available. We have actually run out and someone left some behind for people to use!

We've used them to save a wet paint brush for another day. Simply place the un-rinsed paint brush in a bag and twist the bag tightly closed, then put in your freezer (works with latex paints). Pull it out a short time before you're ready to work on your project again.

Storage of the bags can be a problem. They take up a lot of room and can accumulate quickly!
I have a holder that I bought at a craft store that stays visible in my kitchen, but is easily accessible.

You can buy modern ones at places like and Bed Bath & Beyond if you need something with a sleek design.

Other possible free storage options... great way to have a few in your car, "just in case"
Empty Kleenex or tissue boxes
Chip containers, like Pringles or Lays
Thanks Randall and Donna at The Frugal Life News for this tip

Please recycle!
By all means, if you're like me and haven't invested in the re-usable bags yet, please recycle them. Just use one of the bags to store the rest of them in as you unpack your groceries and put them in the trunk when you're done. Most Walmarts and many grocery stores offer a box in the entryway for recycling these bags.