Monday, September 1, 2008

My Weekly Mission...

I'm going to start a big mission every week to better allow God to work through me, and to help me open my eyes to see where he can use me. I want to see what God has in store and where else I could do things better.

I often think of ways that I think maybe I could be called but find myself never acting on it. I feel like this could be a way to help me to focus that energy on a weekly basis and help me to decipher what he wants me doing for him.

This week I will focus on finding someone that needs something, as the last post was titled, "It's not about me!"

I have to admit that I don't often like ask God to show me what I need to be doing. I'm usually afraid to ask because so often I know he will take me out of my comfort zone. I hope that I'm ready for the challenge and that I am able to follow through with it.

I will post back when I feel that I've completed this mission and let you all know the results. If you would like to join in my missions, let me know, I would be glad to hear from you. If I get a good enough response, I will look at setting up a link system so we can all check out everyone's results.

God Bless...

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